Robotic Surgery Hotline

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Oneida, NY 13421

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传统手术虽然有效,但会造成严重的疼痛、创伤和漫长的恢复过程. Fortunately, less invasive options are available. 用于复杂的子宫切除术和其他妇科手术, robot-assisted surgery with the da Vinci® 手术系统可能是一种有效的、侵入性较小的治疗选择.

通过1到2厘米的微小切口,外科十大靠谱网赌平台使用达芬奇® 系统操作精度高,控制能力强, 最大限度地减少与大切口相关的疼痛和风险,同时增加快速恢复的可能性和良好的临床结果.”

Robotic Surgery vs. Traditional Surgery

Traditional open gynecologic surgery, 使用大切口进入子宫和周围解剖, 多年来一直是许多妇科手术的标准方法吗. Yet with open surgery can come significant pain, trauma, 恢复期长,对周围器官和神经有威胁. For women facing gynecologic surgery, the period of pain, 传统手术之后的不适和长时间远离正常的日常活动可以理解地引起严重的焦虑.

Alternatively, 奥奈达医疗中心的机器人手术中心为子宫切除术和其他妇科手术提供了一种微创方法. With the help of the Da Vinci surgical system, 外科十大靠谱网赌平台可以更好地控制和精确地切割微小的切口. 达芬奇有助于降低手术风险,并使我们的客户在短短两周内恢复正常活动.

hysterectomy incision comparison


  • Low Blood Loss
  • Low rate of complications
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Faster recovery time
  • Minimal scarring

How Does da Vinci Surgery Work?

With the da Vinci® System, 外科十大靠谱网赌平台通过几个小切口进行手术,而不是像传统的腹腔镜手术那样需要一个大的开放切口. The da Vinci® 系统的特点是一个放大的3D高清视觉系统和特殊的手腕仪器,弯曲和旋转远远大于人类的手腕. As a result, 达·芬奇能让你的外科十大靠谱网赌平台用更好的视力做手术, precision, dexterity and control.

State-of-the-art da Vinci® 采用最新的外科和机器人技术,有利于执行复杂和精细的手术. 你的外科十大靠谱网赌平台完全控制着达芬奇系统, 这使得他或她的手部动作变小了, 你体内的微型仪器更精确的运动. da Vinci® -超越人手的极限进行外科手术.

GYN Conditions

根据你的症状有多严重,你的治疗和条件可能会有所不同. 一些妇科疾病可以通过改变生活方式或药物得到缓解, and others may require surgery. 微创方法有助于降低许多风险,可能是比许多传统方法更理想的选择.

Common Types of GYN Conditions

  • 子宫肌瘤-子宫壁上的非癌性增生
  • 子宫内膜异位症-子宫线的非癌性生长
    • 子宫外的组织也生长在子宫外. 这种组织被称为植入物或病变,通常在你的骨盆区域发现.
    • 子宫内膜异位症通常在25至35岁之间被诊断出来,但也可能发生在女性生育年龄的任何时候, from menstruation through menopause.
  • Prolapse – falling or slipping of the uterus
  • 良性疾病可能影响女性的生殖系统

Common Gynecologic symptoms

妇科的许多常见症状是腹痛、出血和肿胀或腹胀. 根据您的妇科状况,您可能会经历不止一种症状:

    • Pain
    • Pelvic discomfort
    • Pelvic pressure
    • Abdominal tenderness
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Backache
    • Back pain
    • Painful urination and/or bowel movements
    • Pain during intercourse
    • Bleeding
    • Very heavy or abnormal bleeding
    • Bleeding longer than 7 days
    • Periods lasting longer than 21 days
    • Periods more than 35 days apart
    • Spotting/bleeding between periods
    • Spotting/bleeding after menopause
    • Passing blood clots
    • Bleeding after intercourse
    • Vaginal discharge tinged with blood
    • Difficulty urinating or having bowel movements
    • Infertility
    • Feeling of pressure on your bladder or rectum
    • Slipping or dropping of your vagina or uterus
    • Feeling heaviness or pressure in your pelvis
    • Constant abdominal pressure
    • Swelling or bloating
    • Urgent need to urinate
    • Recurrent urinary tract infections
    • Pain while standing or walking


所有的手术都有风险,包括达芬奇手术. Results, including cosmetic results, may vary.  任何手术都可能发生严重的并发症,甚至死亡. 严重和危及生命的并发症的例子, which may require hospitalization, include injury to tissues or organs; bleeding; infection, 以及可能导致长期功能障碍或疼痛的内部疤痕. 暂时性疼痛或神经损伤与腹部和骨盆手术中经常使用的倒立姿势有关. 患者应了解手术的风险包括潜在的人为错误和潜在的设备故障. Risk specific to minimally invasive surgery may include: a longer operative time; the need to convert the procedure to other surgical techniques; the need for additional or larger incision sites; a longer operation or longer time under anesthesia than your surgeon originally predicts.  将手术转为开放式可能意味着更长的手术时间, long time under anesthesia, and could lead to increased complications. 研究表明,单切口手术可能会增加切口疝的风险. Patients who bleed easily, have abnormal blood clotting, 孕妇或病态肥胖通常不适合微创手术吗, including da Vinci Surgery. Other surgical approaches are available. 患者应回顾所有手术入路的相关风险. 他们应该和他们的十大靠谱网赌平台谈谈他们的手术经验,并决定达芬奇是否适合他们. 有关手术风险、安全性和使用适应症的更完整信息,请参阅