十大靠谱网赌平台 购买 Office



Welcome Sales and Service Vendors!

Our policy for conducting business with 十大靠谱网赌平台 is shown below. 我们与供应商行为相关的政策副本可在采购办公室访问时通过我们的供应商认证服务进行审查, Symplr.

Vendor Credentialing Services Website



The Purchasing office shall act as a liaison between employees and vendors. 在与相应部门讨论之前,供应商必须首先通过采购办公室对其产品进行审查,以确保正确的GPO从属关系, 确认产品使用, 确定需求.


十大靠谱网赌平台 is eligible for Vizient and Captis purchasing group contracts as well as New York State contracts.  十大靠谱网赌平台 may also negotiate pricing as warranted.  Signed agreements and/or 购买 Orders are required for any and all purchases.

Operating Room and Physician Visits

Vendors planning to discuss O.R.-related surgical or patient care items must meet with, or speak to, the O.R. Manager prior to visiting any employee or physician.  Product information including pricing, 报销, and instructions for use must be provided prior to any physician discussions. 提供与外科手术或其他程序相关的产品/设备的供应商必须与工作人员预先评估需求, provide adequate types and quantities of appropriate items, and provide backups that may be utilized in the event that the primary product/equipment cannot be used for any reason.  任何用于试验目的的物品必须以折扣价格或免费提供,以便在外科病例中使用.

探视时间 & Appointments for 十大靠谱网赌平台 Campus

供应商必须在采购部门的日常工作时间内通过预约开展业务, 星期一至星期五, 上午7:30至下午4:00, 不包括假期.  有预约的供应商必须在采购办公室或大厅使用Symplr认证系统进行登记.  If you are not credentialed through Symplr, you may not be permitted to continue onto your appointment.  Vendors without appointments cannot be guaranteed admittance.  All vendors without appointments are required to report to the Purchasing Office upon entering the facility. 供应商在经营场所必须佩戴他们的Symplr通行证,并遵守所有现行的奥内达健康政策和程序. 供应商应限制通行证上列出的部门和员工的访问,并要求在离开场所之前签名.  Vendors visiting 十大靠谱网赌平台 clinics must first have scheduled appointments; they also must adhere to the same policies and procedures as well as be credentialed through Symplr.

探视时间 & Appointments for 十大靠谱网赌平台 owned Clinics/Practices

Vendors are highly encouraged to conduct business by appointment, 在诊所/诊所的日常营业时间内,经该地点具有权威地位的奥奈达保健员工事先认可和批准. Do not contact physicians directly by email, office phone or personal phone, unless specifically directed to do so. 供应商必须遵守与医院和疗养院访问相同的供应商资格要求,并且在访问期间必须在显眼的地方佩戴VCS徽章. Vendors without appointments cannot be guaranteed admittance.

供应商认证 & 政策合规

Vendors are required to be accredited and in good standing with Symplr prior to visiting any 十大靠谱网赌平台 department, especially where they may come in contact with patients/residents or protected health information. Symplr要求供应商承认他们将遵守所有十大靠谱网赌平台政策和程序作为认证条件. Vendors who are not accredited, or are not in good standing with Symplr, 可能在抵达时被拒绝访问特权和/或可能被永久拒绝访问特权,如果情况允许这样做.

物料管理总监或采购人员可暂时或永久豁免选定供应商的认证要求, with reasonable discretion, when there is no clear and/or present indication of danger to patients/residents or protected health information.  然而, 无论卖方对这些政策和程序的了解程度如何,探视特权仍取决于是否遵守奥内达保健的所有政策和程序.

Notice of 政策 and 程序

十大靠谱网赌平台政策和程序的通知应被视为正式的,并通过Symplr认证系统充分传达给供应商.  Notice shall not require any form of verbal or written acknowledgement from vendors. Lack of vendor awareness of, 或者坚持, 任何适用的十大靠谱网赌平台政策和程序不应被视为十大靠谱网赌平台未能提供充分的通知,也不应免除供应商对这些政策和程序的遵守,也不应免除供应商对任何适用法律和法规的遵守,这些法律和法规是访问特权的条件.  供应商的探视特权取决于是否遵守所有经修订的现行奥内达卫生政策和程序.

遵守政策 & 程序

供应商访问特权取决于是否遵守所有现行的奥内达卫生政策和已修订的政策, including those related to the prohibited use of Tobacco and all related Tobacco products, on the grounds of buildings owned and operated by 十大靠谱网赌平台. 也, individuals will not be allowed to use Tobacco in their vehicles while on 十大靠谱网赌平台 premises.

Non-VCS Accredited Vendors

Employees may have valid reasons for allowing a Vendor who is not accredited with VCS to visit their department.  在这种情况下,被探视部门应采取一切合理的预防措施,将探视区域限制在尽可能避免接触病人/居民和受保护的健康信息的区域,并持续监测他们的活动. Upon the conclusion of the visit, 部门员工必须将未认证的供应商引导回采购办公室,在那里,供应商将被要求签到并立即离开大楼和校园.  These actions are necessary to protect the health, safety, welfare and privacy of patients/residents.

Exemptions from VCS Accreditation

The Director of Materials Management, 或采购人员可以暂时或永久豁免选定的供应商通过VCS认证的要求, with reasonable discretion, when there is no clear and/or present indication of danger to patients/residents or protected health information, without further investigation, 然而, 无论卖方对这些政策和程序的了解程度如何,探视特权仍取决于是否遵守奥内达所有卫生政策和程序. Latitude for exception judgment is necessary to assure business continuity and service to patients/residents.

Suspicious Vendor Activity


购买 & 合同的承诺

只有采购部门签发了有效的采购订单编号,才应履行对供应商的采购或合同承诺. The only exceptions are the Pharmaceutical, 饮食部门, who operate separately from the Purchasing department under their own policies and procedures, or excluded confidential administrative professional commitments.

设备 & 样品

设备 and 样品 shall not be brought in to the facility, 未经物料管理总监或采购部直接许可,擅自在场所展示或分发.




Vendors shall park in west lot #1 only. Vendors shall not park in the handicapped zone nor the area designated as parking for the three-to-eleven shift.  Parking in any other restricted area may result in fines or removal of the vehicle in violation.

请参阅我们的 联系页面 on the website for the Purchasing Office and employee contact information.

Thank you and we look forward to your assistance in providing 异常 关心我们的客户!